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European Commission starts framing end-of-waste criteria for textile

The European Commission has finalised its scoping assessment to identify the priority list of waste streams for the development of further European Union (EU)-wide end-of-waste criteria, as announced in the Circular Economy Action plan. Plastics and textiles—separately collected clothes and other textiles prepared for re-use and cellulosic or mixed fibres recovered or recycled from textile waste—are the top two candidate streams.

Over the past year and a half, the Commission has carried out a scoping exercise that included a study published in 2020. This was followed up by a stakeholder consultation and an on-line stakeholder workshop in September 2021 where the Commission presented the ongoing end-of-waste scoping project, information gathered and preliminary findings.

As part of this work, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission published the report, titled ‘ Scoping possible further EU-wide end-of-waste and by-product criteria’, which identifies the most suitable candidate streams for which further EU-wide end-of-waste criteria could be developed based on a methodology developed to ensure a real added EU value.

The assessment builds on data and information provided by stakeholders during the stakeholder consultation period.

The Commission and its Joint Research Centre will commence the work on the development of end-of-waste criteria for plastic waste in the second quarter of this year and the technical assessment is expected to be finalized by the first quarter of 2024. The work on end-of-waste criteria for textile waste will commence in 2023, said an EU press release.

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